Wedding Party


Lucy Schroder
Sister of Bride

Lucy is Emmy’s younger sister by 7 years. Although this was a good age gap as kids, Lucy and Emmy have grown close as adults as Lucy quickly matured to be someone Emmy looked up to for her energy for making others feel special, discipline, creativity, and positivity. They share a passion for food systems, health, and competition, and love to get together to cook, workout, and just be together.

Brittany Winner
Sister of Groom

Brittany and Austin are the two youngest siblings and closest in age. They were both sibling rivals and good friends growing up and continue to be close friends as adults. They currently play on the same club ultimate frisbee team, Cincinnati Steamboat.


Sarah "Jules" Craycraft
Friend / Maid of Honor

"Jules"" and "Mantis"" met as rookies on OSU’s frisbee team in 2010. Ever since being nicknamed "the twin towers"" (ugh), they have been clowning through life together. They share a passion for great food, frisbee, and being tall and lanky, but are pretty different in most other ways. They have spent many years living in different cities, but manage to somehow reunite many times per year. Conversations often come with a good eye roll, but love is shared nonetheless.

Cassie Swafford

Cassie and Emmy lived on the same floor freshman year at OSU. Although they did not hang out that year much that year, Cassie is the reason Emmy finally tried out for “Fever”, the ultimate Frisbee team. We can thank Cassie for putting this sport in my life, which led me to years of competition, friendship, and to Austin! Now, although Cassie lives in Nederland, Colorado, Emmy and Austin visit often with their trailer, and use any excuse they can to hike, play games, and share COVID with one another.

Paige Soper

Paige and Emmy also met on the frisbee field (surprise!). Learning the sport together, they quickly discovered that they both were from Cincinnati, had family lake houses at Lake Waynoka, and shared a love of competition and travel. They have spent years as roommates, and years across the country from one another, but they will always find time for a phone call, workout, or adventure trip.

Janine Walker

Janine was Emmy’s first Frisbee captain at OSU, gave her the nickname “Mantis”, and pulled her into a crew of friendships that will last a lifetime. When Emmy moved to Vermont after college, it was Janine's moving support, daily commuting phone calls, annual visits for maple lattes and leaf peeping hikes that kept Emmy feeling connected to her Ohio roots. Janine and Emmy are great travel buddies because they both require 8 hours of sleep, lots of snacks, and mountain views.


Matt Hileman
Friend / Best Man

Matt and Austin met at BGSU where they played on the club ultimate frisbee team together. They found that they had actually met in kindergarten before Matt moved to another nearby town. Their friendship continued after leaving college. Today they spend time together going on hikes and building projects together.

Toby Meyer

Toby is the oldest of four children while Austin is the youngest. This age gap was apparent while growing up, but that did not stop them from growing closer as adults. Toby and Austin's similar demeanor is often pointed out.

Nick Kolderman

Nick was the captain of the BGSU club ultimate frisbee team when Austin joined the team. Austin looked up to Nick as a mentor on the field and they often hung out together during college. Spending a summer as roommates after college only brought them closer. Nick has moved across the country but they still see each other at least once per year.

Ryan Gorman
Friend and Brother-In-Law

Ryan is the heart and soul of the Cincinnati club frisbee team, Steamboat, on which Austin plays. They have been teammates together since 2016 on Steamboat and played a few one off tournament teams as early as 2010.